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Monday, December 29, 2014

15 ways to make him ask you out again

Dating is like playing with fire. You can never really tell if it's going all wrong without actually burning your hand.
On most first dates, the couple is a bundle of nerves. After all you are going to unravel a mystery and the truth can go both ways.
But if you've really liked the guy and want to make sure he asks you out again, on a second date, you can salvage the situation with some quick tips.
  1. Be friendly: It isn't going to work if you keep staring at him all dreamy eyed.  In fact it’ll make him think you are a lunatic of some sort. So get a hold of yourself, girl, and talk your way out. But remember to keep it friendly and low key. Share your likes, dislikes and hobbies. These are conversation starters which will help him know you better.
  2. Exchange contact details: If you really like him, don’t forget to share your number (if you haven’t done it yet). This is the first step to make sure he calls you back to go out again. A subtle hint of sorts. If that’s sorted then add him on social networking sites like Facebook, which will make sure he understands that you are interested.
  3. Thank you message: After the date, don’t forget to thank him for a lovely time with a message and leave him a hint with “Hope to see you soon”. This will make your intentions clear. This is also a great way to keep the communication channels on and will give you a chance to start talking and know him better.
  4. Let him pay: Offering to split the bill is a good gesture but if he insists, let him do so. Apart from being chivalrous, if he really likes you he will want to pay to see you again. You can add that you will make it even the next time around, making a second date mandatory.
  5. Make plans: Do not wait for him to come with a plan and approach you. Instead you can suggest some fun options to get together.  Just make sure it’s at least two days after the date to not look desperate. Think of a movie you both would be interested in or comedy show that you are eager to watch.
  6. Don’t be overconfident: While confidence is an attractive trait, over-confidence can be a big turn off. Make sure you play it safe with just the right amount of confidence.
  7. Seduce not: First dates are to get to know the opposite person so come what may, do not try to seduce him. Keep it friendly and casual, even though in your head you are drooling over him. P.S: Avoid all sex talks even in texts or he is going to think you are too easy to get.
  8. Keep it casual: Don’t show signs of desperation by constant texts and messages, post the date. This will put him off. Instead play it casual. Show interest but just enough to let him know that you only want to go out again if he wants to as well.
  9. Keep the exes away: No matter how friendly you've become, the thumb rule is to always keep the exes for later. Don't avoid the topic completely, but make sure you do not switch to that and vent out all your feelings making it quite an awkward moment. So it’s best to keep your previous relationships under wraps.
  10. Do not boss him: Keep your dominant side under wraps and try and be as compromising as possible. Make an effort to know his point of view and understand it too. He might figure it out later, but for a first date it can be intimidating.
  11. Avoid arguments: If you really like the guy and want him to call you back, make sure you do not indulge in a verbal war. Sometimes people get so carried away with the things they love that a quarrel becomes inevitable. This, friends is a grave for your future relationship especially on a first date.
  12. Be honest: Honesty truly is the best policy especially if your keen on getting in a relationship. So make sure you are honest. Just be yourself, enjoy the company and take every minute as it comes.
  13. Avoid other distractions: Choose a place that’s free of sounds, surrounding chatter and loud music. These things can be every distracting and the effort involved in making a conversation will double up. Keep your phones aside too and don’t answer calls unless they are extremely necessary.
  14. Keep the talks on: Out of sight is out of mind and even though you had a great time, if you do not keep conversing or staying in touch, there is a possibility that you can lose something special. So no matter how busy you are, do try and make some small talk to make sure he doesn't completely forget you.
  15. Pay Attention: No matter how bored you are when he’s talking about cricket and stock market, make an effort to pay attention. This will make him realise that you really like him. It’s also a subtle hint for him to call you back.

5 signs you're closer to your friends than your spouse

Lunch dates, long chats, and sharing dreams. Do you experience this more with friends than with your spouse?
It’s something to take note of during your marriage. Consider the following five signs that you’re closer to a friend more than a spouse.
  1. Sharing Your Life: Do you share what is stressing you are keeping you up at night. Maybe it is stress at work or a struggle that you’ve been dealing with for a long time. Who do you go to first a relative, a friend? There is nothing wrong with this, but is there a pattern of not confiding in the person you live with?
  2. Communication: Who do you communicate with more? If your friend knows about your week or day than your spouse it’s time for a check.
  3. Check In: Try to make time and see how your spouse is doing during the week. Schedules can make it hard to stay connected, if you make an effort with your pals despite tough work weeks, it’s time to prioritize.
  4. Value Your Spouse: Do you want a roommate or a spouse? Value your friendship with your spouse first. This will help rekindle your friendship, and make it feel like you have a partner, not just a roommate.
  5. Have Fun: Have fun! If you associate fun being more with your friends, it’s time for a date night. Have fun together, find something you can enjoy. This can be a hobby that you are both bad at, and can have fun making mistakes together.

Friday, December 26, 2014

11 important things all happy couples know (according to scientists)

In the year 2014, scientists took a closer look at what makes people hook up, stay together, break up and everything in between.
So what exactly were their findings? Lots of things that will probably sound familiar to every happy couple out there.
The questions ranged from small (what sleeping positions say about a couple) to large (whether marriage is better than unmarried cohabitation). The overall conclusion: While we may act like love with a capital L is the most important factor for a long-lasting relationship, science proves it takes a lot more than that.
However, with the divorce rate finally dropping and people waiting longer to get into the best relationship for them, it seems lots of people are already in the know. According to ozigizaga.blogspot.com, here are 11 awesome things scientists learned about our relationships this year:
  1. There's no need to rush into things: While a spontaneous, whirlwind engagement maybe seem romantic, taking it slower can have a major payoff. A study carried out by Emory University found that the longer couples date before marriage, the greater their odds of staying together. If fact, couples who date for three or more years are 39% less likely to divorce than those who date for less than a year. As Olga Khazan wrote in the Atlantic, "Dating for a while before tying the knot might indicate a level of planning that suggests the couple is in it for the long haul." The same goes for cohabiting: Research this year found that the longer a couple waited to make a serious commitment to one another (getting engaged, moving in together, getting married), the better their odds at marital success. Now if only your mother could get that message loud and clear...
  2. It's not the money that matters: Fancy engagement rings are pretty, but they're not always the best idea. That same Emory University study, which surveyed 3,000 heterosexual couples, found that "marriage duration is inversely associated with spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony." Specifically, those who had spent $2,000 to $4,000 on rings were 30% more likely to get divorced. That doesn't mean fancy things are a relationship's downfall, but the researchers did note, "If wedding expenditures are indeed associated with debt stress, then it is possible that wedding expenses raise the likelihood of marital dissolution given that prior literature suggests a link between economic stress and marital dissolution." Money is a common source of disagreement between couples, so this is hardly surprising. Plus, most happy couples know that a quiet night in or cheap takeout can be better than a lavish night on the town any day.
  3. Couples that cuddle up together stay together: Or at least couples that sleep together are happier than those who don't. A study from the University of Hertfordshire looked at couples' sleeping positions and found that 94% of couples who spent the night in contact were happy with the relationship, whereas only 68% of those who didn't touch were satisfied. With science already telling us that cuddling is good for our health, this is all we needed to get cozy this winter.
  4. The two most important words are "thank you": A recent study from the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, examined whether there is a "glue" that binds relationships together. The answer, according the study, is gratitude. And it's now scientifically proven. The researchers placed 77 couples in situations where they both gave and received gratitude from their partner. Afterwards, the participants not only felt more peaceful and proud and perceived their partners as more understanding, caring and responsive, but they also saw increases in their oxytocin levels, a neuropeptide that promotes pro-social behaviors like trust and affection. That's a lot of positive impact from two small words.
  5. The little gestures, like kissing, become more important than ever: A two-year study of more than 5,000 people from the Open University in England concluded that, for couples whose relationship stayed on track, "surprise gifts and small acts of kindness were valued highly, with 'a cup of tea' being singled out as a significant sign of their partner's appreciation." These couples "cherish[ed] affection and cuddles as much as sexual intimacy." That includes kissing. Another study out of England found that parents with high levels of "couple bliss," as demonstrated through happy behaviors like kissing, tended to be better, more positive parents. The little things never stop mattering.
  6. Simple honesty solves lots of problems: Everyone has rough patches, but being honest with both yourself and your S.O. is often the best way to tackle an issue. For example, jealousy can be overcome, psychologist Michael Broder told Mic, if it prompts couples to be honest with each other about what they're attracted to and what they want. Another telling finding: Couples who are honest with themselves about the state of their relationship are the ones headed to marriage. A University of Illinois study of 232 never-married straight couples found that highly committed partners remembered their relationship history accurately, while couples faring worse basically lied to themselves, looking back and thinking everything was fine. In short, your mother was right: Honesty really is the best policy.
  7. You don't need to be married to have an amazing relationship: There have been studies showing that married people experience health and life benefits that singles and dating couples don't. But since then, studies have also shown that cohabiting couples experience the same advantages as their married counterparts. In fact, 2014 revealed that fewer people than ever are married, and there are more cohabiting couples than ever: Twenty-four percent of never-married adults ages 25 to 34 are living with a partner, according to Pew Research analysis. And lots of couples cohabiting are still creating families. Plus, as the Emory University data found, some classic hallmarks of marriage are actually threats to the relationship. Both pricy engagement rings and fancy, expensive weddings actually correlated with higher divorce rates.
  8. It's not about having a "soul mate" — it's about having a partner: A 2014 study by Spike W.S. Lee and Norbert Schwarz found that fixating on that term can actually be detrimental to the relationship. According to psychologist Benjamin Le, people tend to view romantic relationships as either part of "destiny" or "growth." Those who think of their partners as their "soul mates" view their romance as destiny — a belief that lays the groundwork for disappointment when reality falls short of the fantasy. On the other hand, viewing your S.O. as a partner on a journey (to use the hated Bachelor term) gives you the expectation of growth and change. "If we are soul mates, then nothing will go wrong in our relationship, and it will be easy. A conflict makes a destiny-believer question whether the current partner is actually their soul mate, and then they give up on working it out," Le told The Science of Us.
  9. Long-distance relationships aren't all doomed: Thanks to technological advancements like Skype and FaceTime, an increased number of couples are making a go at it long distance — and succeeding. According to research from Cornell University, couples in LDRs are more likely to build stronger bonds than those in close proximity to one another. Another study found that people in LDRs also go above and beyond, including the healthy practice of savoring happy memories. "Taking the time out to place yourself back in a happy memory for just a moment has the potential to build upon your happiness in the present," lead researcher Jessica Borelli told Mic. And long-distance couples know this better than most.
  10. Kids don't have to be part of the final picture: A major U.K. study of married and unmarried couples found that those without kids reported being happier and more valued by their S.O.s than the partners with kids. That widely reported finding came on the heels of another study that found parents, while reporting more joy, also have more stress and anxiety. As more and more women are proving, you don't need to have kids, or at least not as early as our parents thought. Eventually having kids is great — but only if you really want them.
  11. It all comes down to kindness: Gratitude isn't the only telling behavior about relationships. Multiple studies, including that published by psychologists (and spouses) John and Julie Gottman this year after 40 years of studying couples, show that long-lasting relationships require two traits: kindness and generosity. How did they prove it? The Gottmans set up a "Love Lab" where they studied newlywed couples' interactions. They then predicated the couples' success — who would be the "masters" or "disasters" — and followed up six years later. The key distinctions of the ultimate "masters": They were connected and paid close attention to each other, and they performed small acts of kindness for each other regularly. The most important time to be kind, the Gottmans found, is during a fight. Otherwise it can build contempt, which the researchers say is the No. 1 factor in couples breaking up.

13 things you should NEVER say during sex

We've all gotten a little carried away in the heat of the moment, but saying the wrong thing in bed can bring even the best time to a screeching halt.
Hey, those intense love hormones can make you say some crazy stuff. So trust us when we tell you to scratch these phrases from your bedroom vocabulary.
Consider these the worst things you could say during sex. But come on, we didn't really need to tell you, right?
  1. "Is it in yet?" Did you just pinch me? Or, wait… OK, so that's what we're working with. Cool. We know men seriously stress about their penis size — so this is a no brainer. Even if you're thinking it… don't say it.
  2. "Let's just get it over with." Hey, sometimes a quickie is what you're really craving — plus, you have a bootcamp class in an hour, and it fills up so quickly. Your partner will understand right? (No, no they won't.) 
  3. "High five!" Alright people, this isn't drunken sex in a dorm room. This is adult sex. You can do better.
  4. "That's it?" I think you've watched Instagram videos that were longer than that. Still, muttering these words will not make them rally for round two, we promise. 
  5. Any form of baby talk… ever. Nothing kills the mood faster than the tone of voice usually reserved for puppies and toddlers. Just, don't. 
  6. "Can you grab my phone?" You know humanity is addicted to their cell phones when one in five people say they've used it during sex. Do yourself — and your partner — a favour, and let it go to voicemail.
  7. "Are you done yet?" Talk about pressure! You're having sex — not reading Game of Thrones — you'll know when each person is finished. So don't ask for an Estimated Time of Arrival on an orgasm; it's just not good manners.
  8. "Ugh, I'll just do it myself" We get that sometimes masturbation can be even better than sex (talk about an easy O). But don't throw in the towel if your partner isn't exactly blowing you away. Communicate, show him what feels good, and try not to utter this phrase.
  9. "Oh, Gbenro Ajibade, yes!" Yep, you just blurted out the name of your celebrity crush (unless you actually are in bed with Gbenro… in which case, good for you!). While there's absolutely nothing wrong with a little visual fantasy, keep Gbenro's name — and washboard abs — in your head.
  10. "Oh that reminds me, I'm out of tampons." In the words of every sports coach: Get your head in the game! You're having sex, after all. Besides, the more you're able to cut out distractions, the more likely you are to orgasm.
  11. "You want to do WHAT?" Sure, this might be what you're thinking when your partner suggests a particularly creative move they saw in porn, but take a beat first. Of course, you don't have to agree or even try something if you're not into it, but shooting down their fantasy right off the bat will probably make them reluctant to open up again. Try a simple "Hm, well, I'll think about it" instead.
  12. "My ex used to do it like this…" Talking about exes while naked with your new partner is pretty much always frowned upon. Besides, they're your ex for a reason…
  13. "I love you!" MAJOR Disclaimer: If you're in a long-term monogamous relationship, you should absolutely shout this one! But if this is a casual hookup or someone you just started dating last Tuesday, this is probably your orgasm talking.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

10 Ways To Surprise Your Partner

Arranging surprises for your blushing bride or dashing groom can add that extra shimmer of excitement to proceedings and can make your wedding day extra special.
Take a look at these top ten wedding surprises to spring on your partner and make them remember just why they’re marrying you.
1. Wedding-eve treats: The night before your wedding can be an extremely nerve-wracking time. You’ll be worried about your plans coming together, or even your partner turning up at all! So, to be greeted with an unexpected treat when you turn in for the night could be the perfect distraction from your bubbling nerves. Why not leave a girly pamper parcel for your bride-to-be to find in the bathroom, filled with a bath bomb, face mask and miniature bottle of bubbly? Or for your hubby-to-be, leave some lads’ mags or a new box set, or if you’re feeling sentimental, leaving some aftershave for him to wear the next day is a nice touch.
2. Write your own wedding vows: Writing your own wedding vows has become commonplace in many movies, but in real life, this personal sentiment is not actually as regular as you think. Why not surprise your husband or wife at the altar by reading off the heartfelt vows you have written, or by reading out a special love poem? They will expect the ceremony to be a dupe of the rehearsal, so catching them off guard will give them goose bumps and melt their heart in one go.
3. Invite a distant friend: It would seem there’s always that one person who cannot make it to the big day. Perhaps a childhood friend who has emigrated or someone special who couldn’t get the time off work or afford the travel costs to your destination wedding. Working your behind-the-scenes magic to arrange for this otherwise absent guest to be there on the wedding day could be the surprise of all surprises. It’s a sincere gesture that shows the importance of love, family and friendship.
4. A surprise wedding entertainer: Does your partner have a favourite band or musician? Perhaps they had a childhood fascination with magic or have a passion for ballet? What better than to see the look on your husband or wife’s face when their dream wedding entertainment appears before them on stage? Granted, booking BeyoncĂ© or The Royal Ballet may be a bit ambitious, but there’s always the wide world of tribute or local acts. Alternatively, if your partner loves their classical music or jazz, why not hire a harpist for the drinks reception or a jazz band for the wedding reception? Classy!
5. Honeymoon: Perhaps your finances just won’t allow you to jet off post-nuptials, or you have decided (reluctantly) to spend the money on decorating your home. Whatever the reason, if your new husband or wife is under the impression that you won’t be going away on a honeymoon, imagine surprising them with plane tickets to a jet-set destination on your wedding day. If you have already decided to go on honeymoon, quite a simple way of surprising your partner after your wedding is by upgrading the flights to your honeymoon destination. Glass of champagne? Why not?
6. Wedding suite: The wedding night is known for being a special and intimate time for a newly married couple to share. Why not make it even more special and surprise your partner in the process by arranging for rose petals to be scattered over the bed, for an ice bucket and bottle of champagne to be waiting by a hot bath of bubbles, or even a wrapped gift nestled between the bed pillows? You could go the extra mile and arrange for a firework display to commence the moment you get up to the wedding suite and gaze out of the window together – or if there’s a balcony, then even better!
7. Hen and stag parties: Traditionally, the bride and groom don’t get involved in each others’ last night of freedom. But if you were to secretly make plans with the bridesmaids or groomsmen to surprise your sweetheart on their pre-wedding celebration then you will definitely make it into their good books. For a bride’s hen party, the groom could arrange for cocktails to be sent over to the blushing bride and her ladies on his behalf, or for comedy (and thrill-factor) why not hire male dancers or even strippers to surprise your girl? Ladies, for your groom, arrange for a prank or practical joke to really inject some fun. Or why not arrange for the groom and his merry men to go paintballing or zorbing as a surprise? You could even hire a hummer or sports car to pick your husband-to-be up and take him to the stag party.
8. Family and friends: Why not use the rom-com "Love Actually" as your inspiration and round up your family and mutual friends to perform a little number? Or if this is not an option for the fear of making your guests’ ears bleed, then there are other options to include your wedding guests. Give each guest a piece of card with a letter on, so when held up during the ceremony it reads a message to you and your partner. Or, secretly arrange for all wedding guests to wear something in your partner’s favourite colour – be it their clothing, hair accessory or tie. This will not only be a pleasant surprise for your hubby or wife, it will also have a great impact on your wedding photographs.
9. Change your appearance: Tread carefully with this one, as it’s important for your future husband or wife to actually recognise you on your wedding day (and not change their mind about marrying you!) But if there’s something you’ve always wanted to change about yourself, such as dying your hair, getting a tattoo, or simply being bolder in your choice of clothing, then why not use your wedding day as an opportunity to showcase your change? Obviously, only do it if you know your partner will approve, but if they know you like they should, they’ll be pleased with your new found confidence.
10. A personal surprise: This is one for the ladies to surprise their future husbands with. Boudoir photography is an intimate and personal way to surprise your partner in all the right ways. Choosing feminine lingerie or nightwear – or anything you feel comfortable and sexy in – pose for a series of shots that can be kept in a secret album just for your husband’s eyes. Either take the photographs yourself using the self-timer application on your camera, or be brave and hire a photographer. Either way, this would make a sexy surprise gift before the wedding to make your husband excited to see you!

5 ways to include your future mother-in-law in wedding planning

During all of the pre-wedding arrangements, the mother of the groom can feel left out of the fun. Traditionally, she doesn't have many responsibilities on the big day, but you don't have to make her feel like she has to wear beige and be silent!
After your man pops the question, invite his mother to lunch with you and your mom, and share in the excitement of your upcoming nuptials. Include her in various events during wedding planning, and ask her to attend every bridal shower -- even the bachelorette party, if you dare!
Your engagement is the perfect time to encourage a loving and positive relationship with your man's mother, so use this time wisely to get in your future mother-in-law's good graces.
There are several ways you can honour your future mother-in-law in the months leading up to your wedding. Here are five tried and true tips for getting your guy's mom involved with the wedding:
  1. Include her in the planning: Usually, the mother of the bride assists her daughter with most of the wedding planning, but there are no rules when it comes to who can help you choose your wedding gown or the perfect invitation suite. When you invite your maid of honour and mother along on these momentous occasions, ask the groom's mother to join you. Use this time to discuss the style of dress your mother and the groom's mother plan to wear so there are no surprises on the big day. Organizing the seating chart is another wedding project that can be a major headache for the bride and her mother. Not sure if your groom's stuffy great aunt should sit at the same table with her free-spirited nieces and nephews? Call on your guy's mother for her thoughts; she's likely to lend you some valuable advice.
  2. Utilize her talents: Odds are the groom's mother has a few useful tricks up her sleeve to benefit you when it's time to plan your wedding, so don't underestimate any talents she might have to offer. If your fiancĂ© is always raving about his mother's homemade treats, ask her if she'd be interested in jarring tiny samples of her famous coconut chip cupcakes as wedding favours. Is your future mother-in-law handy with a pair of scissors and a tube of glue? Request her assistance with DIY wedding projects, like designing the table numbers or assembling ceremony programs. Even if your mother-in-law-to-be isn't a culinary or artistic genius, she may be savvy in other ways. Does she have a knack for scoring deals at great prices because she isn't afraid to haggle with a salesperson? If you're on a tight budget, she might be a great bargain-hunting companion when shopping for big-ticket wedding items, like floral arrangements or the cake. If she has neat handwriting, ask her to address your wedding invitations with an elegant script or calligraphy. If her greatest talent is tying a perfect bow, ask her to tie the sash at the waist of your gown before you walk down the aisle!
  3. Request her help with out-of-town guests: As the bride, your days leading up to the wedding are going to be filled with vendor meetings, bridal showers and dress fittings. Out-of-town guests are going to be busy making travel arrangements during this time, and it's the groom's mother's responsibility to organize hotel accommodations for them. Research hotels nearby, and block off rooms at discounted rates for guests. Appoint the mother of the groom as the go-to person for guests' questions regarding travel arrangements and wedding weekend itinerary information. Since these out-of-town guests have more than likely jumped through hoops to be with you and your fiancĂ© on your wedding day, think of thoughtful ways to keep them entertained during downtime. The groom's mother can also help you choose the best items for hotel welcome bags, like bottled waters, snacks and aspirin for guests who have a little too much fun at the wedding after-party. Designate a time in the days before the wedding to help your guy's mom put the bags together and drop them off at the hotels where guests will be staying. Finally, if any of her friends or family members missed the invitation RSVP deadline, have her follow up with them for you.
  4. Assist with rehearsal dinner details: The rehearsal dinner is the perfect occasion for the families of the bride and groom to become acquainted, so create a comfortable atmosphere for the event to encourage casual conversation. Traditionally, the groom's parents host the rehearsal dinner, but there's nothing wrong with offering your assistance to make planning a little easier on your future in-laws. Work together on the guest list, and remember that while you should invite the key players of the wedding -- your immediate family members, the wedding party and their spouses -- it's completely up to you, the groom and his parents whether to include dates for single wedding party members and any out-of-town guests. Be sensitive to budget constraints, and if you need to, politely negotiate where the event takes place. Though not very common in Nigeria, the rehearsal dinner is the first party to kick off the weekend's festivities, so don't neglect any personalized details of the evening! Offer your florist's number to the groom's mother to assist with centerpieces, or lend her some of your favourite framed engagement photos to decorate an entry table. A slideshow featuring childhood pictures of the bride and groom is a memorable end to the rehearsal dinner. Make it easy on the mother of the groom, and delegate the slideshow as your maid of honour's responsibility.
  5. Recognize the mother-son dance tradition: The father of the bride isn't the only parent who gets to enjoy the spotlight with a dance during the wedding reception. The traditional mother-son dance is a great way for the groom to honour his mother on his wedding day. To get the pair excited about their dance, invite your man and his mom over for a home-cooked meal to discuss song choices. Have your music collection nearby in case they want to read lyrics or listen to songs over dinner, and consider music that resonates with your fiancĂ© and his mother. There are no rules when choosing a song for the dance, so feel free to think outside the box. Maybe the groom wants to sway with his mom to the classic sound of Victor Olaiya, but if an upbeat swing dance is more their style, encourage them to go for it! As long as the song reflects their special mother-son relationship, the dance will be a sweet memory for years to come.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

7 Tips To Spice Up Your Weekend Without Spending Money

Thank God it’s Friday…
At last, we get to unwind and release out tense muscles from the weekly drudging.
Even beyond that, Friday comes with another opportunity to spend quality time with that special person after a busy week.
Well, the opportunity offered by the weekend can be used as an opportunity to rekindle your love flame and make sure it burnshard enough to last you, at least, till the next weekend.
Luckily for you, I have some tips to help you do that without spending money:
  1. Cook together. Instead of spending money you don’t have to buy expensive food neither of you want to eat at highbrow restaurants, why not mess the kitchen up together? For one, it gives you an opportunity to connect — and play. It is romantic and might turn kitchen work to bedroom romance.
  2. Play games. You guys can get closer by playing some games like board games, say ludo or card. Scrabble and chess are also good. If you are up to it, you can play the stripping where you ask each other questions in turn. If anyone misses an answer, he/she takes a piece of clothing off. You can also dress up in each other’s clothes.
  3. Bathe together. Get into the shower for a long bath together and scrub each other in turns.
  4. Clean the zones. You can also try helping each other clean up the zones —especially shaving the public hair. Nothing can be more intimate as having the chance to shave each other in the most secret part.
  5. Watch a sexy film (porn). Now is the time to slot in a movie with kinky scenes into your DVD. If you have a plasma TV, you guys can watch and get jazzed up together. If you’re open to porn, why not?
  6. New positions. Try new sex positions. You might even pick up one or two from the X-rated movies you watched.
  7. Try oral. You might want to use this weekend to please your partner with some oral bonus.

8 reasons why living with him won't get you an engagement ring

Over the past decade or so, relationship experts have found that there are a few common pitfalls that women who want to get married inadvertently fall into which, decreases their chances of getting married while they're still young enough to walk down the aisle without stopping for breath. One of these pitfalls is living together before marriage.
This issue will not be discussed from a moral or religious standpoint. A woman is and should be free to decide what is best for her without being judged, controlled or condescended to by others.
Below are 8 reasons why living together is a bad choice if a woman wants to marry:
  1. Men and women have very different ideas about what living together means: Women typically see it as an almost inevitable step toward marriage, while men see it as a no-obligation "test drive." Couples who initiate a live-in relationship under the fog of such contradictory assumptions are already in trouble.
  2. You've heard the old expression, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" It's an ugly phrase, but there's some truth to the message. Living together results in regular, no-strings sex for a man, thus removing the sexual motivation that is part of a marriage proposal. And don't worry about his proposing just to bed you — there are too many sexually available women out there for a man to propose marriage just for sexual release.
  3. Living together means that a man doesn't have to pursue his girlfriend any longer: And if something is too easily acquired, it just doesn't hold the same value as something that is more challenging to get. This more true with couples who are either co-habiting or who lived together before "sliding" into marriage.
  4. There is no interest on taking things to the next level: Because it removes much of a man's motivation to make the formal commitment of marriage within a reasonable time, living together often causes women to feel frustrated and get stuck in a cycle of hope and disappointment. Christmas comes and she hopes for a ring, only to be disappointed. Her birthday comes and she hopes for a ring, only to be disappointed. Her sister gets married and she hopes for a ring, only to be disappointed. You get the idea. Even worse, this cycle often leads to ultimatums — Marry me or it's over!— which, in turn, can lead to a reluctant and passionless groom or, just as bad, a woman who tries to fool herself into believing that "marriage is just a piece of paper" so that she doesn't have to break up with a man who calls her bluff.
  5. Couples who live together are less likely to get married:Why? Well, for the reasons previously mentioned that remove the motivation to marry. Co-habiting couples also tend to have a more lax attitude toward commitment and don't work as hard to stay together. When their relationship goes through a rough spot — as all relationships do — it is all too easy to just walk away. The legal and public commitment of marriage motivates couples to work through conflict, strengthen the relationship and stay together.
  6. Living together is not a reliable way to predict long-term compatibility or marital success: In fact, couples who live together before marriage divorce at higher rates. There are other ways to set yourself up for a happy, healthy marriage. Serious dating allows two people to get to know each other as loving friends and determine whether they have a reasonable chance of being a faithful, respectful and cooperative couple with shared values and vision. Spending time at a boyfriend or girlfriend's house will reveal many personal habits and quirks, while a practical pre-marital class that teaches communication, interpersonal and life skills can give couples the tools they need to help avoid common problems and resolve those conflicts that will invariably arise.
  7. Very few unmarried couples who have children end up staying together: In other words, a child's chances of living in the same home as his or her biological but non-married parents until he or she is a teenager is negligible. Of those couples that do keep their relationships intact until their children are grown, 93 percent of them are legally married. This is important, since children who are raised by both biological parents in a low-conflict home are more likely to be emotionally and psychologically healthy than children whose parents are co-habiting or divorced. They are less likely to experience mental health or behavioural problems, or to live in poverty.
  8. Living together takes the excitement out of being newlyweds: Being a new bride and moving in with your husband to start a life — and perhaps a family — with those shiny new rings on your fingers to show the world your commitment, is a wonderful experience that many women still hope for. Put the cynics and haters on ignore — their bitterness reflects their own choices and reality, not yours. Many, many couples still live "happily ever after" after marriage and you can, too. You just need to know where you want to go in life, and what choices are most likely to get you there.
Again, these are just a handful or problems that living together creates for women,and that results in them spinning their wheels — for years, sometimes! — in dead-end relationships. The cycle can be as humiliating as it is heart-breaking.  Break out of it! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

4 simple tips to enjoy first time sex

Sex is extremely pleasurable.
But buried in that intense pleasure is also possible intense pain —especially for a woman having sex for the first time.
The truth is that, a person is having sex for the first time must be handled like a delicate egg because she (he) is coming into the experience with expectations and perceptions that may be wrong.
What happens in that initiation can affect his/her perception for life?
Making that experience an unforgettable experience is all about doing it right:
  1. Prep talk is a must. It is important that you talk about what you are about to do. The guy should be gentle in explaining while the woman should be open about what she likes or does not like. She must not be too shy to speak out if she hurts and the guy should listen, stop when she says so — else its rape.
  2. Don’t play with safety. Before you attempt first time sex, safety is very important. First thing is to make sure you have good condoms, not expired or torn, unless you are married. Secondly, ensure that you both take a shower. Dirt can give infections as much as contaminated body fluid. You don’t want to get pregnant or contract a disease.
  3. Foreplay prepared the mind for sex. You don’t just jump into penetration. Be patient. The guy must make sure she is aroused — kissing, touching, oral sex, so that she is wet and ready. The woman must also let herself enjoy the moment so that she gets lubricated in the lady parts. The danger of getting to it without allowing her to get wet is a painful penetration (that might leave her with vaginal injuries) with a possible rupture of the condom.
  4. Breaking the hymen: Breaking the hymen is not an easy task. The guy must be willing to go veeery slowly. If you have a lubricant, apply it. A water-based lube is better. The woman should also relax her pelvic muscles; being tensed would make it more difficult. So take deep to help you relax.
Lastly, both of you must note that you may not have a perfect experience the first time out.
You might make out between 3 to 10 times before you get into a regular rhythm.
So the girl should not expect earth shaking the first time while the guy should not attempt to be too forceful.
In case it’s the guy having a first time, he should be ready for premature ejaculation.