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Tuesday, August 26, 2014


It is not enough to build a christian home, it has to be sustained. The reason Jesus came is to give abundant life, even in the home. Man, must however, co-operate with God to make the home a mini- paradise on earth, as it is supposed to be. Here are the things that help you in sustaining a christian home:
1)LAY YOUR FOUNDATION ON THE ROCK: The foundation of a building determines to a very large extent what happens to it, and whether that building will last long or not. If something fundamental goes wrong with the foundation,very little can be done to sustain the building. It is same with marriage. For your home to be sustained,you must lay your foundation upon the Rock, in the person of Jesus Christ. How do you lay the foundation of your marriage upon the Rock? By making Jesus Christ the central focus in your home and allowing Him to take His rightful place. Luke 6: 47-49
2)FULFILL YOUR MARRIAGE RESPONSIBILITIES: Marriage has responsibilities attached to it. Both the man and the woman must co-operate in fulfilling their responsibilities, so that the home can be sustained. Negligence on the part of either party can affect the sustenance of the home.

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