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Sunday, November 30, 2014

9 New Sex Facts You Won't Believe

You know sex feels good and is good for you. But researchers recently tackled some of the things you may not know—like how money affects intimacy—and may think you know—like how many calories doing the deed actually burns.
Read through for the sexy scoop on the nine most interesting studies—and their shocking results.
  1. The higher a woman's desire for sex, the higher her standards for potential partners: According to the June 2013 issue of the Journal of Research in Personality, as a lady's longing for a one-night stand heightens, she becomes more discerning, seeking out only the most physically attractive men. Guys, on the other hand, consider all women as potential partners, regardless of beauty. That's because men just want sex, so they take whatever they can get. Meanwhile, women are programmed to hit the gene-pool jackpot, looking for dominant, attractive men—even if they're not trying to conceive.
  2. Men with higher-earning wives are more likely to have erectile dysfunction: More money, more problems? The February 2013 issue of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin says so. Looking at more than 200,000 married couples, the Denmark study found that husbands who rake in even slightly less cash than their wives are more likely to take medications for erectile dysfunction. The difference in income also affects the higher-salaried women, who take more anti-anxiety meds and are more likely to have insomnia.
  3. Sex and alcohol make people happier than having children: Researchers at New Zealand's University of Canterbury asked study participants to rank a list of 30 activities on how pleasurable, meaningful and engaging they are. Sex topped all three categories. Drinking alcohol came in as a close second while childcare came in fifth. And people aren't just happy while they're having sex or boozing it up. Lead researcher Carsten Grimm says that people who do the things that rank highly for those three aforementioned categories are happier in general.
  4. Husbands who do more housework have less sex:According to the February 2013 issue of the American Sociological Review, after examining 4,500 couples, researchers found that men who do chores traditionally delegated to women (like ironing, doing the laundry and cooking) have sex less often than couples who divide housework based on customary gender roles. The reason? A man fixing the occasional broken sink pipe may be more arousing than one loading the dishwasher. It's also worth noting that the study didn't measure couple's quality of sex, so traditional couples don't necessarily have better nookie; they just do it more often.
  5. Economics majors have the most sexual partners:According to a StudentBeans.com survey of about 5,000 students from over 100 universities across the UK, the average economics major has had nearly five sexual partners from the time he or she starts college. In comparison, media studies majors have three while environmental science majors have fewer than two. In addition to econ grads' coveted incomes, the major is considered an intelligent, open-minded curriculum choice, which may make those who study it extra-eligible for bedroom action.
  6. Couples who travel together have better sex: A February 2013 study commissioned by the US Travel Association found that couples who vacation together at least once a year have more satisfying sex lives. Out of 1,100 adults surveyed, 77% of those who took couples trips rated their sex lives highly, as compared to only 66% of those who stayed put. Besides the sexy perks, weekend trips keep the romance alive for 83% of couples and spark more intimacy than small gifts do. So the next time a birthday or holiday rolls around, skip the chocolates and flowers, and pack those bags!
  7. Having multiple sex partners in young adulthood is connected to later drug and alcohol abuse: Using data from the ongoing Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study—which is following over 1,000 people born in the 1970s in Dunedin, New Zealand—a study in the February 2013 issue of Archives of Sexual Behaviour revealed that those who have several sex partners throughout early adulthood are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as they age, especially women who have 2.5 partner or more per year; they're between seven and 17 times more at risk for substance abuse. The results were consistent even after taking previous disorders, including drug and alcohol addiction, into consideration.
  8. Sex can ease headaches: If you forgo fooling around because your head hurts, you're losing out on an effective treatment. Even though past research has hailed romps as headache-healers, a study in the February 2013 issue of Cephalalgia tested the hypothesis on a larger scale, surveying 800 headache sufferers and 200 migraine sufferers. Symptoms lessened for 60% of those who had sex during a migraine episode, while 37% of those with headaches saw improvement in their condition. The release of painkilling endorphins during intercourse is most likely why aches dissipate.
  9. The average sex session burns only 21 calories: In a study from the February 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that the oft-reported 300 to 400 calories burned from sex stat is bogus. More findings: Intercourse lasts an average of six minutes (sad, right?) and burns just 21 calories in that time, equivalent to walking 2.5 miles. Although the overall study is questioned for bias due to a half-page worth of conflicts of interest, these particular conclusions may be on track. If the average half-hour sex session burns at least 144 calories, a 15-minute quickie zaps off 72, and seven-and-a-half minutes of between-the-sheets time is worth only 36.

3 Wild tips to spice up your weekend sex

Learning how to spice up your sex life is far easier than you think.
It's not always a case of going to your local sex shop (or online) and buying whips, chains, handcuffs and all other sorts of BDSM equipment. You certainly can if that is what you're into, but it's not always necessary.
There are actually a lot of simple things that you can try out with your man this weekend, that will work just as effectively without you needing to "go off the deep end."
Try out these three naughty tricks below:
  1. Get Your Positioning Right: The easiest way to spice up your sex life for you and your man is to start by learning some new sexual positions. Giving this advice can sometimes be frustrating because most people would simply ask, "What's the most exotic position that I can learn?" The truth is that there are many. But just because a lovemaking position looks exotic or you need to be very flexible to perform it, it doesn't actually mean that it's more pleasurable. It can certainly be fun to try it out once or twice. You'll actually discover that there are lots of positions that are far more fun, pleasurable and better at spicing up your sex life that are very simple to perform, whether it's the Octopus position or the Mastery position. Another thing that you'll quickly discover is that most positions are often slight variations on positions that you already know and love. For instance, the Coital Alignment Technique is just a slight variation of the regular Missionary position.
  2. Find His Fetishes: Every single person on this earth has specific things that turn them on immensely, that may not be so exciting for other people. For some guys it could be getting a passionate blowjob or it could be having their partner talk dirty to them. It's completely natural and nothing to be ashamed about. These are your fetishes. Some may be mainstream, while others may be things only you have dreamed up. Your man is exactly the same and finding out what his fetishes are and trying them out with him is one of the absolute best ways to spice up your sex life and make it more interesting for both of you. If you like this idea, then you may be excited to immediately find out what his fetishes are. Our advice: slow down. These are usually very personal things that your man is probably very guarded about. So you are going to have to take a more subtle approach. Start by asking him if there is anything that he'd like to try out in the bedroom. This is a nice, relaxed way to start exploring what he really gets turned on by. Then once he can see that you are comfortable exploring what he likes, he will start to really open up to you and talk to you about what really gets him off. The main thing that you must do in this situation is be understanding. You don't necessarily need to try everything that he shares with you, but you do need to be understanding and non-judgemental. Fetish Bonus: As well as learning about your man's fetishes to spice up your sex life, it can be just as fun to share yours with him too and then eventually act on them. It's also a great way to connect with your man as he is sharing his.
  3. Quick Oral Tips: The last topic to be covered on this discussion is how to spice up your weekend sex with good old oral sex! Men love getting blowjobs from their partner for a number of reasons. The main one is that it just feels fantastic! Another strongly powerful reason that your man loves them is that most men like to be the 'dominant' & 'powerful' partner, while their wife is the more submissive one. And giving your man a blowjob, especially while down on your knees is a very submissive act indeed. Here are some quick tips on how to do it right:
  • Wetter Is Better - Men much prefer getting wet sloppy blowjobs as opposed to dry and rough ones. So the next time you go down on him, don't worry if you are producing a lot of saliva. More than likely, your man will love it.
  • Do More Than Bob - The classic blow job technique is to take his penis into your mouth and simply bob your head up and down, with your lips moving over it. This is perfectly fine, but you should know that there is so much more that you can do to his penis. Don't forget that you can lick it, kiss it, tickle it with your tongue, suck it, massage it and more.
  • Get Around Town - What this means is that you should also try to pay attention to the areas around your man's penis. His balls, inner thighs and perineum are all super sensitive. So if you can stimulate these areas while giving him a blowjob at the same time, then your man is going to be a very happy camper indeed!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Footballer marries fiancée after four children and 10 years together

Cameroonian footballer and Everton top striker, Samuel Eto'o, finally made an honest woman out of Georgette, the mother of his four children.
The couple who have been together for 10 years, tied the knot in a private ceremony on Monday, November 24, 2014, in Capiago Intimiano, Italy.
Eto'o proposed to his lady love back in July, with a 500,000 Euro diamond ring. The couple are said to have married each other in a traditional marriage ceremony in Cameroon since 2007, but this wedding finally makes their union official.
Georgette as stylish as always, rocked a short white dress and carried two bouquets of white flowers, while her groom looked dashing in a grey suit. They do make a lovely couple, don't they?
Congratulations to them!

4 Romantic Positions You Can Try Anytime, Anywhere

Sex as an emotional or physical act always good (when it is not rape of course).
But it becomes boring and tedious for many when it is routine and nothing new is introduced from time to time.
Some people have even restricted sex to the bedroom or t the missionary style alone.
There are however very spicy styles that you jazz things up with.
Here are some:
  1. The Hot Seat: This is a kinky position that you can try anywhere, maximising the tightest of spaces. The girl should sit between the guy' legs . In this position, the woman controls the angle of entry by arching while riding back and forth.
  2. The Ballet Dancer:  Where space is an issue, this position comes handy. Both of you should stand facing one another. The woman should then wrap one of her legs around his buttocks or thigh and use it to pull him into you. It is physical.
  3. Quickie Fix:  Try this for times when you want to get it over with quickly anywhere anytime. Like doggy style, the woman should bend at the waist and rest her hands on something for support. The guy penetrates from behind holding her hips. He could also reach around to stimulate the clitoris. Its awesome.
  4. Iron Chef: This style allows the woman to wrap both her legs around the guy's waist with the help of a an elevated platform. He hold her up while penetrating without really doing too much hard work.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Important Things You Should Consider Before Saying "I do"

Most women dream of the moment when they are asked, “Will you marry me?” Many women say yes immediately.
However, it would be wise to consider this question with serious reflection because getting married is a great commitment that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
It is sad to see the large amount of divorces in our society today.
For this reason, before saying, "I do," it would be a good idea to consider some guidelines to help make your wedding day end in "happily ever after." Your marriage should last forever.
The reality is that the future is uncertain and nothing can guarantee a successful marriage.
Here, we would like to share 5 guidelines that can be useful to consider before making such a significant decision that will affect your life forever.
1. A long and formal courtship: This type of courtship will allow you to know your partner better. As you share meaningful moments, you will be able to see your fiancé’s different attitudes when facing a variety of circumstances in life. At the same time, you will be able to find answers to the following questions:
* How does your sweetheart react when experiencing anger, frustration or high level of stress?
* How does he or she treat family members?
* How does he or she react when you have a problem and feel sad? Does he or she support you or abandon you?
* Is he or she a hard-working and appreciative person?
* Is he or she jealous?
(Remember, getting to know a person better involves asking more questions than the ones previously mentioned).
2. Sharing ideals: Before starting a life together, you must discuss future plans. In order to function harmoniously, a couple must learn to share common ideals and mutual goals, such as discussing whether or not to have children, living in the countryside or the city, buying a house or travelling, seeking a degree or working and having a family business. These are a few of the many topics that you should discuss before getting married in order to avoid surprises. Since you know your future goals, it is good to discuss it with your fiancé to know if you both are on the same page.
3. Putting things in a balanced perspective: Imagine having a scale: on one side you place your partner’s virtues and on the other side you place his or her imperfections. If the scale is heavier on the imperfections’ side, you should think hard before saying, "I do." When considering all imperfections, you must reflect how much you are able to work through them. Some imperfections are not so profound, such as being shy or being less talkative. However, there are other imperfections that can cause serious wounds, such as certain addictions like alcoholism, drugs or pornography.
4. Pay attention to your fiancé's family values: Reflect on your loved one’s family values to make sure you are compatible. Once you get married, you are also forming a new family.
5. Analyze both of your economic opportunities: Starting a family involves serious financial commitments: buying a home, paying rent, buying groceries for the family, paying bills and other expenditures. Before getting married decide if you will have the economic stability to fulfill your financial responsibilities.
We would like to mention that these guidelines are not a guaranteed recipe for success.
Furthermore, marriage should not be taken lightly because it is a relationship that requires sacrifice.
Each story is different, each couple is unique and what may have positive outcomes for some people may not work for others.
Nevertheless, it is good to consider these principles because you may discover some interesting aspects of your relationship.
Above all, before saying, "I do," you must be convinced that you love your fiancé and that this love is reciprocal. Best wishes!

5 Mistakes Men Should Avoid When Popping The Question

You would think proposing would be easy. What's so hard about getting down on one knee and asking, "Will you marry me?"
The problem is that proposing is so simple men can't help but over-think and over-complicate the whole thing until they start doing some very silly things. 
If you don't want to be the guy who stupidly hid his fiancee's engagement ring in a frosty treat (that she ate), learn from these 5 mistakes before you pop the question.
  1. Not having a ring: We understand the economy is hitting everyone hard, but you should always have an engagement ring when you propose. No exceptions. If you can't afford an engagement ring at this time, a good idea is to purchase a cheaper ring and then upgrade the ring later when you're more financially stable.
  2. Proposing on a holiday: Don't get us wrong, we love Christmas and Valentine's Day. But women like for things to be special. They don't want what everyone else has. And what's so special about being proposed to on the most popular day of the year to be proposed to? That Monday when she goes to work and show off her engagement ring, there will be two or three other women doing the exact same thing. And trust us, she will not like that.
  3. Forgetting her family: We know it's a little old fashion, but it's still preferred for men to ask the girlfriend's family for permission before proposing. You don't have to necessarily ask her father, but at least let someone in her immediate family know of your intentions of marriage.
  4. Hiding the ring in weird places: Don't hide the ring in her food! No, it's not cute. And yes, she will go to the emergency room. In fact, don't attempt to hide the ring anywhere unless it's your pocket. These proposals might seem cute and unique, but they sometimes backfire. An engagement ring is too costly to be tossed carelessly in a glass of wine or baked into a cupcake. Be smart and avoid this mistake.
  5. Telling her you're "settling": There is nothing romantic about hearing a long, drawn out speech about how "we're not getting any younger, so I found you this ring…" Women want to hear that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, not that you're settling because they twisted your arm about it. If these are your reasons for getting married, maybe you shouldn't.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

7 Reasons Why You Should Remain A Virgin Until Marriage

Sex between two married people is a very beautiful aspect of marriage.
God has blessed us with the ability to give and receive physical pleasure with the one we are married to.
But when we give ourselves to another before marriage, sex becomes something else altogether.
  1. Lust and Fornication Are Sins: Why do you think God made fornication a sin? On the outside it seems like a lot of fun to have sex and to flirt with feelings of lust. No one is really hurting anyone, right? Wrong! Sex before marriage always, always hurts someone, and for many reasons which we will get into.  God's desire is for single people, young and old is to remain sexually and emotionally pure for marriage. When young couples go into marriage with such purity and anticipation for one another, the marriage thrives.
  2. Virginity is a Precious Gift to Bring to Your Spouse: What a precious gift of love and purity to share yourself only with the one you married. It creates the "one flesh" of marriage even more beautiful and sacred.  But perhaps some of you reading this have erred and are not a virgin anymore, its ok. God still loves you and wants you to have a blessed marriage. Flee from temptation and stop dating because 95% of the time dating leads to sex. Having likeminded friendships in the Lord is much better than dating. Don’t give your heart away! Your emotional and spiritual self is a precious commodity—save it for your spouse, you will be so very happy that you did.
  3. The Risk of Pregnancy: Children are precious, beautiful people of God, and everyone needs to experience being a parent at sometime in their life. But God does not want us to concern ourselves with the responsibilities of children until we are ready and capable of caring for their needs properly. Bringing children into the world out of wedlock is not fair to the child or to you. Terminating our unborn child is not fair to them either. It is always best and God's ideal for single women to not have children and to remain sexually abstinent until marriage. Then, when you both are ready to have a child, financially, emotionally and spiritually, God will bless you with children.
  4. Multiple Heartaches From Dating: Sexual intimacy bonds two hearts together in such a way that they become emotionally attached to one another and feelings of desires are confused with love. Most dating relationships are not based on love, but on the desire aspect of the relationship. Dating does not lead up to a healthy marriage. Dating leads up to heartbreak because eventually one party will want out of the relationship. Heartbreak after heartache develops a cold, callous heart. It also can develop other negative emotions such as jealousy, suspicion, and mistrust because this too is part of the dating scene. Dating has too many negative emotions attached to it. It is God’s desire that single people have friendships in the Lord and do not date.
  5. Virginity is Cool: Regardless of what anyone says, virginity is cool! A woman who can remain a virgin until marriage this day and age is a courageous and Godly woman, and should be commended her on her ability to turn away from what the crowds are doing. Losing your virginity before marriage is not cool. Ask any older woman with values, who has been there and done that already, and she will tell you to wait until your are married too. That's because we know that when a young person wants to have sex before marriage, it's only feelings of desire talking—there is not love there. As Christian people, we need to be more concerned with what God wants us to do, not what our friends are doing, or what anyone asks us to do. If it does not come from Jesus Christ or His principles, then it should not be a part of our Christian life and shouldn't be done.
  6. Sexual Purity is God's Plan For You: God wants Christians, young and old to stay pure for marriage. It's His plan!  When a Christian person disobeys God's calling for them, there is always consequences. These consequences may be emotional attachments that break our hearts, unwanted pregnancies, or a venereal disease. God does not make these bad things happen to us. We make these bad things happen to us because of the choices we make in our life. Let's choose what God wants. Let's pray about it and seek God's will for our life always and forever.
  7. Fornication is NOT healthy: Most of the time in a intimate relationship, young people don't even really know the person they are having sex with. The only thing intimate about the relationship is the sex aspect of it. Did you meet their parents? Do you know what they do in their spare time? Perhaps they have a venereal disease or worse, HIV or AIDS. Physically speaking, casual sex is very dangerous. These relationships can cause many kinds of infections and other health ailments. Emotionally speaking, these relationships cause a defensive, calloused heart and teach young people to base love on feelings rather than something they do.
Single Christian people should wait on God. They should have all the friendships they want based on the foundation of respect and brotherly and sisterly love.
The best marriage spouses are with those who first respected you physically, sexually, emotionally and spiritually. Remember, the minute your emotions take over and rule the relationship, the minute you will stop feeling respect and real love for one another.
God wants our emotions to follow our lead, not lead our lives.

10 kinds of people who will cheat on you (according to science)

No one on earth actually wants to date a cheater, but most times, we don't see the signs that our beloved boyfriend or girlfriend is secretly a sneaky little liar who is about to ruin our lives!
Never mind that he answers his second mobile phone in the closet every night, or her being less affectionate with you and drooling over your bestfriend when he walks into the room.
The real question you should ask yourself is: Is your guy addicted to Twitter? Is your girlfriend blonde? Is your boyfriend turning 29?
Through journal studies and surveys of users on cheating websites, science seems to now know exactly what makes someone more likely to be unfaithful — and it's not looking so good for a lot of people. We're on to you, cheaters!
But does someone's height, age or first name really make them any more (or less) likely to stray — or are these things strange coincidences?
Well, only those who have dated these 10 people may know the truth about their philandering tendencies. And, until you do the all dating legwork, we're just going to give you the cold, hard facts and let you make an educated decision yourself on these people who are more likely to cheat on you.
  1. People Whose Age Ends In '9': Going on a date with guy who's about to turn 29? You may want to wait a year or so, says science! According to a new study published in Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, people turning an age that ends in '9' are more likely to cheat on their partners. Why? People turning 29, 39, 49, etc. tend to have major self-and make life-altering choices as they approach a new decade. In fact, of the 8 million men on extramarital affair dating website, AshleyMadison, more than 950,000 men were ages 29, 39, 49, or 59.
  2. Tall Guys: We're telling you this not just because short guys make us swoon. A study from extra-marital dating site, IllicitEncounters.com, said that dudes over 5'10" are twice as likely to cheat on their partner. Uh huh... Knew they were up to no good up there.
  3. Rock N' Roll Fans: These two are the kind of sketchballs your mama warned you about. Another survey from IllicitEncounter.com found that 41 percent of cheaters prefer rock music to all other genres. Your best bet for a loyal partner? Rap lovers (maybe).
  4. Guys Who Work In IT: Don't be fooled by their soft hoodies, hipster glasses and patience when it comes to restoring your iPhone (you really should start backing up!) — these guys are sneaky, cheating hubbies, according to the same AshleyMadison survey that revealed unfaithful wives are often teachers.
  5. The French: What can you expect in a relationship with the best lovers in the world? Wine, cheese and an affair, says science. According to LELO, a luxury sex toy brand, who surveyed the globe about bedroom habits, 75 percent of the French admit to cheating.
  6. Shopaholics: AshleyMadison also revealed that their typical, adulterous female user is a serious shopper. More than a third of the women surveyed said they spend more on their appearance since they started cheating. And, 27 percent have a secret credit card to fund their purchases. The preferred brand of the unfaithful? Banana Republic.
  7. Female Teachers: What professions are more likely to stray? According to a AshleyMadison.com survey of its users, the typical cheating wife is likely to be a teacher. Someone's gotta teach these ladies a lesson — just don't call tech support ... ;-)
  8. Twitter Users: Social media can be harmful to your romantic relationship. While this isn't too surprising, research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet, cheat. The more often a person uses Twitter, the more often they have relationship conflicts, like affairs. #TimeToCloseTheLaptop
  9. Guys Named Wayne: An easy giveaway he's sleeping with someone else? His name. A study of 2,000 women found Wayne ranked as the least trustworthy name in love. As for Lil Wayne, his real name is Dwayne, so we're not sure where that stands on the adultery scale. Does the D negate anything? For now, try not to date Lil Wayne. We'll update you when science gets back to us.
  10. Blonde Women: Do blondes have more fun? If you consider cheating a grand ole time, then you betcha. A CheaterVille.com survey found that 42 percent of cheating women have blonde hair. Better girlfriend material, guys? Only 11 percent of women with black hair are cheaters.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to plan a romantic dinner date at home

It's always a good idea to indulge in some mushy romance to keep the spark alive in a relationship.
One simple way of doing it, is by planning a perfect romantic evening for your sweetheart.
Whether you want to cook food for your date or order it from outside, that's up to you; we just tell you how to set it up.
  • Ambiance: A tidy home is a must; you don't want your man to arrive at a pigsty! To make it more warm and cosy, use yellow lights instead of white. You can also use some scented candles so that your room smells nice.
  • Music: This is optional, but just in case you want music, arrange for a soft ballad CD or an instrumental one. This will also give you an opportunity to invite your man to slow dance. Avoid playing music which is loud and jarring.
  • Drinks: If you're looking for a fun activity, then why not try making refreshing cocktails? Of course, you have to ensure that you have prepped up with the given ingredients. For instance, if you're making margaritas, keep tequila, cointreau and lime juice ready so all you two have to do is blend, mix, serve and say cheers! (For non-alcoholics - you can make virgin pina colada or caprioska)
  • Appetizers: Skip the usual fried doughs or spring rolls and serve something that will surprise your partner; something he has never had before. If you want, you can also dish up some yummy salads by yourself.
  • Conversation: Keep the conversation light-hearted; and please don't talk about work!
  • Main course: Cook/ order something that your date likes. That way he will know that you not only know about his likes and dislikes, but you also know how to make him feel special. However, make sure that you and your date don't overeat. You don't want to feel so stuffed that you don't have any room for some 'real' dessert.
  • Dessert: It has to be something chocolatey. After all, chocolate and romance go hand in hand. And after dinner and dessert... O c'mon, we don't need to tell you that!
According to iDiva, here are a few RULES you need to follow:
  1. Keep your phone on silent mode. All your attention should be on your man.
  2. Don't get too drunk. Too much alcohol can ruin the evening.
  3. Try not to serve food which has too much spice or onions. You don't want to have 'onion' breath. In any case, keep some mint handy.
  4. Don't switch on the TV, unless your partner wants to watch it.
Relax and enjoy the date. You've done your preparation, now it's time to relax. It's possible that the dinner date might not turn out as perfect as you planned it to be. But that's okay, your partner will appreciate your efforts nonetheless.

Should you remain single or get married?

One of the age old arguments around the world in the area of relationship has to do with whether marriage is necessary or just an overrated aspect of society.
Many have maintained that marriage was ordained by God, and therefore, absolutely compulsory for everyone who is old enough to get into it.
Others have claimed that it is nothing more than a glorified jail term imposed on people by the society.
While many celebrate marriage and welcome it with open arms, some have chosen to remain single, as they hold skeptical views on it. With inspiration, below are a few reasons why people shy away from marriage, and the benefits embedded in taking the plunge.
Why some people run away from marriage
Marriage is a way of life that has stayed with us for generations, and may still continue to do so. But inasmuch as many people have embraced it, others are doing everything possible to avoid it. Below are some reasons why certain people may not want to get married:
  1. Responsibilities: Having to pay attention to both relatives; the nuclear family and that of the spouse, is a great deal for some people. They just cannot imagine finding themselves to be responsible for their immediate family and rendering support to their spouse's family as well.
  2. Commitment: Giving all it takes even while not comfortable with some instances, showing love and care even at one's inconvenience is easier said than done. And this is another factor which many run from: the fear of being restricted from what they used to do as singles.
  3. Zero or low tolerance: Many singles will just want to remain the way they are because of personal differences and background. Some people find it really hard to tolerate other people's excesses or shortcoming
  4. Workaholic: A person who is so passionate and consumed by what he does, may not even have time to think about a life partner, and even when such person is persuaded to do so, they feel marriage might disturb their career.
Benefits of marriage:
Some studies have shown that married individuals tend to have better physical health, psychological well-being, and a lower mortality risk. Financially, married people tend to earn more. Here are some benefits of being married;
  1. Married couples have more sexual satisfaction: This seems the other way round for the singles who have numerous bedmates. However, in the real sense of it, married people who sleep together under same roof have the tendency to make love at any time they desire, and also, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is reduced.
  2. Married women have less financial and relationship stress: This is not to say that married women do not undergo stress at all, but there is always a faster relief when they have someone to care and show them affection. The cuddles and hugs from husband and children. Many singles are liable to heartbreak, distrust, unfaithfulness and many more, which might also be encountered in a marriage but it is much more likely to be resolved when married than when single.
  3. Married people earn more money: In most organizations, married people are given top priority and consideration, especially when they have families of their own to cater for. This does not mean that the singles do not get to receive benefits that are due to them, but when pitched against a married person on the same level, chances are the latter will receive first consideration.
Having read all the above, what are your opinions on this topic? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

How To Meet And Mingle With The Right People

We have all read the How To's for all occasions, from dress codes for weddings, to suitable outfits for a job interview.
But then, what we don't realize is that a high percentage of people that attend weddings are there to network - that is, to meet people ( their potential suitor, a business associate or a long lost friend.)
Basically they attend this function to network, socially or in the business world. So today, I will like to equip you guys on the most important "HOW TO" you'll read in a long time.
Before I give out my confidential tips *adjusts bow tie* I want to tell you a very important quote a wise woman told me. She said, "You should always dress accordingly. If you are going to the Hamptons, make sure you look as good as the Hamptons people. Don't dress like you're going to a birthday party next door."
So without lingering any further, I am going to give you the top tips on how to network at a wedding. Enjoy.
  • Always Make Small Talk: So you are at a wedding reception, and your friend that invited you sits you at a table with total strangers. And you think to yourself, 'shissh what a bummer'. Well no, that's not the way or the kind of spirit to be in. I encourage you to engage the nearest person in a conversation. Keep it short and simple. Nothing technical or over the top. If it’s a lady, you can compliment something she has on, like this, "I must say, your jewelry is completely radiant." Note the use of words, that will catch her off guard for 5 seconds, she will then proceed to thank you, or offer a compliment back. If it is a guy, say: "I don't know if it's my taste buds, but this chicken is a tad bit too spicy." You look good, you're confident. Your vocabulary is articulate. So he must say something back. Viola! You have opened the gates for a friendly chit chat.
  • Be A Fashion "Killa" a.k.a Cinderella mode: So we all know that one lady that shows up at a wedding looking better than the bride. Yes! I have seen a couple, most times I am the said lady. *Adjusts halo* So I encourage ladies all the time, dress like you're going to see your worst enemy. *in Kimora Lee's voice* Always dress like it is your wedding, there is no such thing as being overdressed, they lied! There is no word like 'overdressed' It does not exist. Make sure you attend a wedding looking like a top model, best believe all the men and the women will want to talk to you. The women will want to know what you're wearing, who made it etc, while the men might just want to compliment you.
  • Confidence is Everything: Believe in yourself. You are a star. Remember you are a child of a King!
    Always say these things to yourself over and over till you feel it, with your shoulders held up high, face forward and chin up. Most times, you'll hear people say, "The wedding was just there, I was alone I didn't have much fun." Low self esteem! Squash that feeling! Do not feel timid or have a spirit of fear, go into the room with an air of confidence, be a crowd attractor. Be so confident in yourself that other people will want to compliment you just because. Remember you are a STAR!
  • Always Wear a Smile also Bring a Gift: I always tell my friends, don't come to my wedding without a gift (lol). Am I the only person that appreciates the effort of those people that attend weddings bearing souvenirs and gifts? Even a week after the wedding people will remember you, the lady that gave out the best souvenirs, or the lady with the prettiest smile. Just come along with something. So if you can't physically network with guests, maybe your confidence level isn't quite there yet, let your gifts do the networking for you. And for those of you that go to weddings with no positive vibes or mindset, change!