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Sunday, October 12, 2014

How To Meet And Mingle With The Right People

Going to a wedding ceremony is not just about eating and dancing, it's also an opportunity to meet people and mingle with the right crowd.
We have all read the How To's for all occasions, from dress codes for weddings, to suitable outfits for a job interview.
But then, what we don't realize is that a high percentage of people that attend weddings are there to network - that is, to meet people ( their potential suitor, a business associate or a long lost friend.)
Basically they attend this function to network, socially or in the business world. So today, I will like to equip you guys on the most important "HOW TO" you'll read in a long time.
Before I give out my confidential tips *adjusts bow tie* I want to tell you a very important quote a wise woman told me. She said, "You should always dress accordingly. If you are going to the Hamptons, make sure you look as good as the Hamptons people. Don't dress like you're going to a birthday party next door."
So without lingering any further, I am going to give you the top tips on how to network at a wedding. Enjoy.
  • Always Make Small Talk: So you are at a wedding reception, and your friend that invited you sits you at a table with total strangers. And you think to yourself, 'shissh what a bummer'. Well no, that's not the way or the kind of spirit to be in. I encourage you to engage the nearest person in a conversation. Keep it short and simple. Nothing technical or over the top. If it’s a lady, you can compliment something she has on, like this, "I must say, your jewelry is completely radiant." Note the use of words, that will catch her off guard for 5 seconds, she will then proceed to thank you, or offer a compliment back. If it is a guy, say: "I don't know if it's my taste buds, but this chicken is a tad bit too spicy." You look good, you're confident. Your vocabulary is articulate. So he must say something back. Viola! You have opened the gates for a friendly chit chat.
  • Be A Fashion "Killa" a.k.a Cinderella mode: So we all know that one lady that shows up at a wedding looking better than the bride. Yes! I have seen a couple, most times I am the said lady. *Adjusts halo* So I encourage ladies all the time, dress like you're going to see your worst enemy. *in Kimora Lee's voice* Always dress like it is your wedding, there is no such thing as being overdressed, they lied! There is no word like 'overdressed' It does not exist. Make sure you attend a wedding looking like a top model, best believe all the men and the women will want to talk to you. The women will want to know what you're wearing, who made it etc, while the men might just want to compliment you.
  • Confidence is Everything: Believe in yourself. You are a star. Remember you are a child of a King!
    Always say these things to yourself over and over till you feel it, with your shoulders held up high, face forward and chin up. Most times, you'll hear people say, "The wedding was just there, I was alone I didn't have much fun." Low self esteem! Squash that feeling! Do not feel timid or have a spirit of fear, go into the room with an air of confidence, be a crowd attractor. Be so confident in yourself that other people will want to compliment you just because. Remember you are a STAR!
  • Always Wear a Smile also Bring a Gift: I always tell my friends, don't come to my wedding without a gift (lol). Am I the only person that appreciates the effort of those people that attend weddings bearing souvenirs and gifts? Even a week after the wedding people will remember you, the lady that gave out the best souvenirs, or the lady with the prettiest smile. Just come along with something. So if you can't physically network with guests, maybe your confidence level isn't quite there yet, let your gifts do the networking for you. And for those of you that go to weddings with no positive vibes or mindset, change!

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