Sexual urge is God-given which prayer and fasting cannot remove but it can be managed. To those who are married, they are expected to go all the way with their partners when they feel the urge and not to any other person. If their partner is not around, they should learn to put themselves under control.
To those that are not married, managing your sexuality is compulsory if you must obey God and if you must live a good and meaningful life; a life free of guilt, fear, tears, failure and regret. As a complete man/woman sexual urge one time or the other are as sure as hunger for food. In fact, if you are in your twenties and you are not having any feeling towards the opposite sex, you need to be examined because something might be wrong.
But the mere fact that you are having sexual feeling does not give you the go ahead “to sleep around because there is time for everything. If you do it the wrong time, you will do it the wrong way and annoy God your maker. I know you will not drink poison even if it is the only liquid available when you are thirsty. Sex, before or outside marriage, is like taking poison to quench one’s thirst.
As a lady, you may have this intense sexual urge just before or after your menstruation. Millions of other ladies around the world are experiencing the same. Therefore, get busy and never behave like a bitch (a female dog) that will go to any length to satisfy its sexual urge during its heat period.
Guys too may have this sexual urge at one time or the other. Here, I will tell you what to do lest you “burn” your finger.
(1) Master your thought. Sow a thought and reap an act; sow an act and reap an habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow a character and reap a destiny.
The minute a forbidden, evil thought comes to mind, drag it out. Condemn it as a sin and do not entertain it. Say loudly that the Lord is your strength.(Phil4:13). .
(2) “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it is the issues of life”. Renew your mind daily by the word of God, through quiet time, family altar and yielding to the leading of the Holy Ghost.).
(3) Thinking and meditating only on godly things (Phil. 4:6-9).
(4) Get busy working for God
(5) Engage in physical exercise such as football, indoor games, table tennis, etc.
(6) Engage in spiritual exercise; make prayer your hobby.
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